KKIP’s Department of Financing and Funding last Thursday (6/30) held a meeting to prepare a number of working visits. The meeting which was attended by the Department’s Internal Working Team (Tim Penyelaras Bidang Pendanaan) was part of their main program in the 2022 fiscal year.

The Head of the Department, whom chief of the Team, Dr. Slamet Soedarsono stressed the importance of an observative approach and comprehensive data collection to examine and assess the financial capabilities of private defense companies. Slamet, who also serves as Bappenas Deputy for Political, Law, Defense, and Security, said that “private companies are elements of the national defense industry, therefore we need to know what initiatives and policies they expect from us (KKIP) in aspects of funding and financing “.

The Team itself consists of cross-department personnel at the KKIP Executive Office and Experts in charge of initiating, monitoring, and evaluating the implementation of the Department. This year, Slamet Soedarsono and the team scheduled a working visit to PT. Terafulk Megantara Design and PT. Tadakara Sumberkarya Engineering, both of which are located in Surabaya.

The Department’s agenda in the coming weeks is so crowded, therefore the meeting is not only about the preparation of work visits. “We are also gong to hold a Working Group Meeting by presenting the Director General of Defense Strategy from Ministry of Defense and Head of KKIP’s Department of Planning,” said Colonel (Ret.) Pudjiyanto, Staff of the Department.

The issue of funding and financing is a crucial component to materialize the vision of the KKIP that shapes an advanced, strong, independent, and competitive national defence industry. Acknowledging the strategic value of these aspects, the Departments holds cross-sectoral meetings intensively to formulate strategic steps that can strengthen the financial posture of defense and security related companies.

The increasing trend of Indonesia’s acquisition of defense equipment in the last two years is a promising prospect for the fostering of the domestic defense industry ecosystem. The role of the KKIP to encourage ofset and participation of related stakeholders in the acquisition is expected to be able to convert the opportunities to trigger and boost the development of the Indonesian defense industry. (DO)

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